Psycho-Educational Testing

It is important to have a clear understanding of the specific issue(s) impacting one's functioning before spending time and money on different interventions.

Comprehensive psycho-educational testing examines all areas of concern and can include: academics, cognition or intelligence, processing, social-emotional functioning, attention and executive functioning, visual perceptual skills, visual-motor coordination, memory, auditory processing, language processing, social information processing, and adaptive skills.   Assessments are always tailored to answer the specific referral concerns and needs of the individual and family.  Test results are written into a psychoeducational report with key findings and recommendations.  

Testing can be used to identify a special education category of eligibility and/or medical/DSM V diagnoses including but not limited to: autism spectrum disorders, anxiety, depression, learning disabilities, mood disorders, and ADHD.  We can determine how best to approach your private school, public school district, college, graduate school or testing boards in requesting support and/or accommodations.  I am experienced in legal testimony  and am qualified to perform Independent Educational Evaluations (IEEs).